Final project results

The project has shown that the RED Heat Engine has the potential to achieve high efficiency and low cost for converting low-grade-heat to electricity. A roadmap has been developed with ...
The RED-Heat-to-Power project adopts a game-changing approach that generates electricity from low grade heat in the temperature range of 40 to 100oC. This clean source of electricity is very flexible and can cover base load or peak load at a very competitive cost, having all the characteristics for contributing to the mix that will form the backbone of the future energy system.
Generation of electricity from salinity gradients using Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) in a closed-loop system, where artificial saline solutions are used as working fluids.
The technology generates competitive electricity from industrial or renewable low grade heat, while being safe, clean and providing flexibility to the power system.
The project work covers the material and component development, process simulation, experimentation with small prototypes and elaboration of a technology roadmap.
The project has shown that the RED Heat Engine has the potential to achieve high efficiency and low cost for converting low-grade-heat to electricity. A roadmap has been developed with ...
On 12th March 2019 an event was organised where the progress achieved was presented and the participants had the chance to visit the prototype system conversitng waste heat to electricity.
The RED Heat-to-Power project sent a strong representation to the conference "Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy" that was organised in on the 3–6 September 2018, in ...